2012年11月23日 星期五
2012年11月22日 星期四
MessageBox for confirmation
Code snipplet:
var messageBoxResult = MessageBox.Show(AppResources.TextDeleteConfrimation,
AppResources.TextDelete, MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
if (messageBoxResult == MessageBoxResult.OK)
2012年11月21日 星期三
my common git commands
git checkout master
git pull --rebase
// switch the working branch to master branch
// then, pull the things back.
// these things includes: the commits on master by your colleagues and
// other branch name created by your colleagues
// Then, update master branch to the latest commit
// combo 技
// 切換到 master, 把其他人做的更動拉回來
// 然後快轉到 master 最新的 commit 狀態
// 拉回來的東西包括了: 其他人在 master 上的 commit 跟其他人創立的 branch name
git checkout -b newBranchName
// 創立一個 local的新的branch 叫做 newBranchName
// 然後切換過去
git branch --track workingLocalBranchName remote/remoteBranchName
// creates a local working branch name, called "workingLocalBranchName"
// which is tracking the remote branch name called "remoteBranchName".
// the remote branch name can be found by "git branch -a"
就開始寫 code
到下午, code改完了, bug修掉了以後 ...
git gui
// it is better to do the commit and push here
// 最好在這裡做 commit 跟 push
// see the history of commits of the current branch
// each commit is identifed with unique SHA string, which can be found in this window
// 看目前 branch 的歷史紀錄
// 每一次 commit 都有一個 SHA id 對應
// 在這個畫面裡面可以看到每次 commit 的SHA id
做 patch 了, 大家來 review
git format-patch -1 --full-index
// if your modification only requires 1 commit
// this command is quicker
// 如果你只 commit 了一次
// 這個指令會做出這個 commit 的 patch 檔
git diff --full-index oldSHA..newSHA > patchFileName.patch
// diff all the commits from oldSHA to newSHA into the patchFileName.patch
// 把從 oldSHA 到 newSHA 的所有更動放到 patchFileName.patch
git diff --full-index master..localBranchName > xxx.patch
// diff between two branches
// 兩個 branch 做diff
merge 到 master
git cherry-pick SHA
// SHA represents a commit, no matter which branch it is on.
// this command grabs the commit identified by that SHA id,
// and put it on top of the local working branch.
// 把SHA所代表的那個 commit 拉過來, 丟到你打指令的這個 branch
git merge --squash localBranchName
// merge the working branch with localBranchNamebranch
// 把 localBranchName這個 branch 拉過來, merge到你打指令的這個 branch
git merge --squash origin/remoteBranchName
// merge with remoteBranchName branch
// 與遠端的 branch 做 merge
如果 merge 有conflict... 請小心, 沒有指令可以幫你處理好conflict
git reset --hard SHA
// 說對不起, 我想清楚再merge
// 回到SHA這個commit, 在這之後的commit都會不見
// 回到SHA這個commit, 在這之後的commit都會不見
git reset --soft SHA
// 說對不起, 我想清楚再merge
// 回到SHA這個commit, 在這之後的commit都會變成已修改狀態
// 回到SHA這個commit, 在這之後的commit都會變成已修改狀態
git gui
// 如果修好了conflict 記得要再 commit 一次
git checkout localBranchName
// change the working branch to localBranchName branch
// ex: git checkout master
// Before checking out to another branch, there should not be any
// editting modifications in the working branch.
// Make sure you stash or commit everything you've modified
// 更改你目前的打指令的這個 branch 到 localBranchName 這個 branch
// 更改 branch 之前, 必須確定目前的 branch 是乾淨的
// 所以, 所有的更動請先放到stash或是commit
git checkout -b newLocalBranchName origin/remoteBranchName
// Grab the remoteBranchName into newLocalBranchName
// 把遠端 remoteBranchName 整串拉回來, 放到 newLocalBranchName
git status
// see the current status of tracked files,
// or any new files that are not tracked.
// 看目前git 追蹤的檔案裡面, 那些做過更改
// 或是那些檔案沒有被tracked
// put the current modifications into the stash area.
// it will 'clean' the current modifications and restore to
// the lastest commit
// 把目前所做的更動放到stash, 會把目前的更動清掉,
// 恢復到最新的commit的狀態
git stash apply -1
// apply the first stash item from the stash area to the current editting files.
// 把stash裡面第一個東西拉出來, 對目前的檔案做更動
git stash clear
// clear the stash area
// 把 stash 清掉
git push origin:remoteBranchName
git push origin --delete remoteBranchName
git push origin --delete remoteBranchName
// Remove remoteBranchName on the remote side.
// 把遠端的一個叫做 remoteBranchName 的 branch 殺掉
git branch -D localBranchName
// remove the localBranchName branch
// 把本地端的 localBranchName 這個 branch 殺掉
// 新的gerrit server有內建code review的功能
丟上review board
再cherry-pick到master branch
commit就會出現在review board上了
這個 commit就會跑到 remote/origin/
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/<remoteBranchName>
git apply --stat XXX.patch // see the stats of the patch files
git apply --check XXX.patch
git apply XXX.patch
// git ignore mode changes:
git config core.filemode false
// list files changed between two SHAs:
git diff --name-only SHA1 SHA2
2012年11月20日 星期二
Share something by email on windows phone 8
In xaml file, let's say we have a button like this:
In c#:
Where composeEmailBody() is a function that returns a string, you can implement it in your own needs.
<Button x:Name="tellAFriendButton" Width="352" Height="47"
Style="{StaticResource TellAFriendButtonStyle}" Margin="174,241,274,0"
Template="{StaticResource TellAFriendControlTemplate}">
In c#:
private void OnClickTellAFriendButton(object aSender,
System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs aRoutedEventArgs)
var emailAddressChooserTask = new EmailAddressChooserTask();
emailAddressChooserTask.Completed +=
void EmailAddressChooserTaskCompleted(object aSender,
EmailResult aEmailResult)
var emailComposeTask = new EmailComposeTask();
emailComposeTask.To = aEmailResult.Email;
emailComposeTask.Body = ComposeEmailBody();
Where composeEmailBody() is a function that returns a string, you can implement it in your own needs.
Estimate an App
T-shirt size.
Tasks | Estimate
Task A
Task B
Task C
Task D
Task E
Task F
Total days
Tasks | Estimate
Task A
Task B
Task C
Task D
Task E
Task F
Total days
2012年11月15日 星期四
How to get the path to the image file that is associated to the image element on windows phone 8.
var bitmapImage = ImageElement.Source as BitmapImage;
if (bitmapImage != null)
ImagePath = bitmapImage.UriSource.ToString();
How to load string from resource in Windows phone 8.
Like this:
this will work on windows phone 8.
this will work on windows phone 8.
2012年11月11日 星期日
How to load a string from Resource.resw, and add a item to settings panel on Windows 8
The keyword is SettingsPane.
In OnLaunched() in App.xaml.cs:
Then implement CommandsRequested() itself.
In OnLaunched() in App.xaml.cs:
SettingsPane.GetForCurrentView().CommandsRequested += CommandsRequested;
Then implement CommandsRequested() itself.
private void CommandsRequested(SettingsPane aSender, SettingsPaneCommandsRequestedEventArgs aEventArgs)
// Retrieve all the strings first
var loader = new Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.ResourceLoader();
string settingsCommandId = loader.GetString("aText");
string label = loader.GetString("aText");
//add the commands to the setting panel
new SettingsCommand(settingsCommandId, label, aMethod));
2012年11月8日 星期四
Pivot item on Windows phone 8
<phone:Pivot Title="A_title">
<phone:PivotItem Header="History">
<phone:PivotItem Header="Favorites">
<phone:PivotItem Header="Scan">
<phone:PivotItem Header="Creator">
<phone:PivotItem Header="Settings">
2012年11月7日 星期三
Use ZXing library to decode/encode 2D barcode
Using ZXing in c#
How to decode a 2D barcode into text
The code snippet:
try { // Get the width and height of the bitmap, //and change it to a WriteableBitmap object int width = mBitmap.PixelWidth; int height = mBitmap.PixelHeight; WriteableBitmap writableBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(mBitmap); // use RGBLuminanceSource and HybridBinarizer class to // process the WriteableBitmap into a BinaryBitmap var lsource = new RGBLuminanceSource(writableBitmap, width, height); Binarizer zer = new HybridBinarizer(lsource); BinaryBitmap binaryBitmap = new BinaryBitmap(zer); // Decode the binaryBitmap useing the QRCodeReader object QRCodeReader qrReader = new QRCodeReader(); Result result = qrReader.decode(binaryBitmap); // the decoded text in place in the Result object. Title.Text = result.Text; } catch (Exception ex) // catch the exception here!!! { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex); }
How to encode a text into a 2D barcode
The library will encode the text into ZXing-defined ByteMatrix. Here is the code snippet:
string encodeText = TextToEncode.Text; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(encodeText)) { // use MultiFormatWriter class to encode. var qrCodeWriter = new MultiFormatWriter(); var matrix = qrCodeWriter.encode(TextToEncode.Text, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, 400, 400); var bitmap = ToBitmap(matrix); resultImage.Source = bitmap; }
Then, ToBitmap() function is used to get the BitmapImage object from the ByteMatrix:
private WriteableBitmap ToBitmap(ByteMatrix aMatrix) { int width = aMatrix.Width; int height = aMatrix.Height; var bitmap = new WriteableBitmap(width, height); for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { if (aMatrix.get_Renamed(x, y) == -1) { bitmap.Pixels[y * width + x] = BitConverter.ToInt32(BitConverter.GetBytes(0xffffffff), 0); }else { bitmap.Pixels[y * width + x] = BitConverter.ToInt32(BitConverter.GetBytes(0x00000000), 0); } } } return bitmap; }
2012年10月31日 星期三
windows phone bitmap, image...
1: Uri imageUri = new Uri("/Asset/Sample_Text.png", UriKind.Relative);
2: BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImage(imageUri);
2012年10月30日 星期二
windows phone - opening a html file using webBrowser
1: IsolatedStorageFile isoStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
2: if (isoStore.FileExists(mHtmlFilename))
3: {
4: Uri fileUri;
5: fileUri = new Uri(mHtmlFilename, UriKind.Relative);
6: webBrowser.Navigate(fileUri);
7: }
2012年10月11日 星期四
Joining the domain after installing windows 8
1. add your pc into the company's domain.
a. Control panel -> System and Security -> system ->
b. In the row of "Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings -> change settings
c. in System properties dialog, click on Change.. button.
d. enter your pc name and domain name
e. enter your account name and password to that domain.Then you are done! :)
2. Log- in with the user in your company's domain.
a. in log in screen, click on the arrow, (indicating you are loggin in using the user of the domain.)
b. enter the username/ password of the domain.
a. Control panel -> System and Security -> system ->
b. In the row of "Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings -> change settings
c. in System properties dialog, click on Change.. button.
d. enter your pc name and domain name
e. enter your account name and password to that domain.Then you are done! :)
2. Log- in with the user in your company's domain.
a. in log in screen, click on the arrow, (indicating you are loggin in using the user of the domain.)
b. enter the username/ password of the domain.
2012年10月2日 星期二
2012年9月27日 星期四
Why use ExpandoObject in C#
Because it is good!
checkout the discussion on stackoverflow:
checkout the discussion on stackoverflow:
2012年9月20日 星期四
windows 8 set focus
It seems that there is no setFocus() method anymore. Instead, windows 8 includes the Windows.UI.Xaml.FocusState for different focus state, like: pointer, keyboard, etc.
The usage would be like:
The usage would be like:
2012年9月10日 星期一
Run a program as administrator
1. press windows to go to start screen
2. open search screen to search the program that you want to run. (i.e. cmd.exe)
3. the search result will be shown on the left hand side.
4. right click on it (tile of cmd.exe)
5. click on advanced
6. check run as adminstrator
1. press windows to go to start screen
2. open search screen to search the program that you want to run. (i.e. cmd.exe)
3. the search result will be shown on the left hand side.
4. right click on it (tile of cmd.exe)
5. click on advanced
6. check run as adminstrator
2012年9月5日 星期三
2012年9月3日 星期一
Launch Browser with an URI from a win8 app
Here is the code snippet:
Here is the code snippet:
Uri justUri = new Uri("http://www.google.com");
await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(justUri);
2012年8月12日 星期日
metro style -- switch to a new page
In metro style, when switching from a page to another page.
If the new page is a blank page when you add it into your project.
We usually do like this:
On the opening page, we need to implement onNavigateTo() method to do the corresponding jobs. Most cases, it is crucial to use the parameter that is passing in, i.e. itemId. here is an example of how to do it.
or if it is a detail page when adding it,
put the code in LoadState(){}
If the new page is a blank page when you add it into your project.
We usually do like this:
this.Frame.Navigate(typeof(NewsPage), itemId);
On the opening page, we need to implement onNavigateTo() method to do the corresponding jobs. Most cases, it is crucial to use the parameter that is passing in, i.e. itemId. here is an example of how to do it.
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
Story article = e.Parameter as Story;
BitmapImage bmpimg= getCoverImage(article);
if (null == bmpimg)
// todo: show empty image...
picture.Source = getCoverImage(article);
or if it is a detail page when adding it,
put the code in LoadState(){}
2012年8月9日 星期四
How To unit test in metro style apps?
One hell good video!
1. bind xaml controls to data objects.
2. implement ICommand interface
3. care the manifest file.
One hell good video!
1. bind xaml controls to data objects.
2. implement ICommand interface
3. care the manifest file.
2012年7月5日 星期四
interior decoration reference article
How to Hang a Photo Wall |
Make Your Own Personlized Eye Chart |
全球最有誠意的4款免費室內設計軟體 |
2012年6月18日 星期一
2012年6月11日 星期一
2012年6月8日 星期五
2012年6月7日 星期四
Cannot find _ASSERTE
The reason for this is, I have a crtdbg.h in my project. So, #include crtdbg.h goes to my own crtdbg.h.
Make sure the include path is correct!
Make sure the include path is correct!
2012年5月28日 星期一
env variable and Visual studio
Sometimes VS uses the settings in the env variable. When you modified those variables, you need to close the VS and re-open it and those changes will take effect.
2012年5月27日 星期日
XXX already defined in libcmt.lib
See this:
BUT!!! DO remember to un-check "Inherit from parent or project defaults"
Sometimes, it is "msvcrt.lib libcmt.lib". The order matters!
BUT!!! DO remember to un-check "Inherit from parent or project defaults"
Sometimes, it is "msvcrt.lib libcmt.lib". The order matters!
2012年5月23日 星期三
2012年5月22日 星期二
Visual Studio改compile flag...
This is for my own:
When doing porting, i.e. from WinCE to Win32, some Macro flags will not be found. When this happens:
1. Find the .vcproj file
2. in the file, find "InheritedPropertySheets"
3. open those .vsprops files indicated in step 2.
4. modify those suspecious flags in the files found step 3.
When doing porting, i.e. from WinCE to Win32, some Macro flags will not be found. When this happens:
1. Find the .vcproj file
2. in the file, find "InheritedPropertySheets"
3. open those .vsprops files indicated in step 2.
4. modify those suspecious flags in the files found step 3.
2012年5月16日 星期三
Compiling flags used in porting from wince to win32
Today I was porting the code from WinCE platform to Win32 environment.
I used the following flag, since I am lazy and not sure which flag is correct for Win32:
Things like that...
I used the following flag, since I am lazy and not sure which flag is correct for Win32:
#ifdef WIN32 || __WIN32 || __WIN32__
#include <windows.h> // Mod: 2007.11.05 S.Ota
Things like that...
jni and javah
1. javah usage:
type this command:
2. JNI unsatisfied link error
When writing JNI programs, sometimes we see this errors. It is hard and troublesome to find which part of the code actually went wrong. My experience is to check the following:
type this command:
javah -jni com.XXX.XXX.className
It will generate a .h file. Using this .h file, we can start to edit the corresponding .cpp file.2. JNI unsatisfied link error
When writing JNI programs, sometimes we see this errors. It is hard and troublesome to find which part of the code actually went wrong. My experience is to check the following:
- check .h and .cpp files, and see if they are consistent.
- focus on the parameters passed from java side. Check if the parameter type and number of those parameters are the same.
- Check the function name in .h/.cpp files. It should be like this:
2012年5月10日 星期四
building cross platform apps - environment and SDKs
A web server:
XAMPP - http://www.apachefriends.org/zh_tw/xampp.html
Sencha touch 2 framework:
IDE for html/javascript/...etc
Download those files, then you can begin to write the cross-platform apps using javascript and html5.
XAMPP - http://www.apachefriends.org/zh_tw/xampp.html
Sencha touch 2 framework:
IDE for html/javascript/...etc
Download those files, then you can begin to write the cross-platform apps using javascript and html5.
2012年5月8日 星期二
XAMPP -- see only "it works"
When that happens, please check if IIS is also installed.
If you didnt install IIS, please kill all the httpd.exe from windows task manager.
Then, it should work.
At least, it worked on my PC. :)
If you didnt install IIS, please kill all the httpd.exe from windows task manager.
Then, it should work.
At least, it worked on my PC. :)
2012年4月11日 星期三
Android JNI debugging...
1. Add debug symbols when compiling...
add "LOCAL_CFLAGS := -g" in /jni/Android.mk file -
3. In cygwin, add adb into PATH variable (if you're using windows) ...
Modify /home//.bash_profile
4. Clean the project ...
1) in eclipse -
5. compile the .c files
6. In windows cmd.exe, type: "android update project -p . -s"
7. in eclipse IDE, press the debug button to start debugging ...
Debug configurations must be set properly first.
You will see the following...
2012年4月5日 星期四
out of memory exception:
Well, "outofMemoryExceptions" should not be handled, because technically, they can't.
Instead of catching these kind exceptions at low level in the code, they should be thrown up the higher layer, i.e. UI level, so that UI layer is aware of the problem, and user is informed that the app is about to exit.
public class LowLevelClass
public void complicatedMethod() throws OutOfMemeoryException
throw new OutOfMemeoryException("huh, not so good.");
public class MiddleLevelClass
public void doSomethingNotSoComplicated() throws OutOfMemeoryException
LowLevelClass low = new LowLevelClass();
catch(OutOfMemeoryException oom)
throw oom;
public class UILevelClass
public void showView throws OutOfMemeoryException
MiddleLevelClass mid = new MiddleLevelClass();
catch(OutOfMemeoryException oom)
showDialog("Not enough memory! This App is about to close. Please restart.", oom.getMessage());
[Java] Null pointer handlings
In my previous project, I used to do this when handling the null pointers -
if (obj != null)
But I was told to do something like this to have a better result -
catch(NullPointerException npe)
Unless, the object is allow to have null as a legitimate return value, we can do this -
Bitmap bitmap = ResourceLoader.get(file);
if (bitmap == null)
Well, all these code are conceptually working. You will have to work it out in your own way, according to your architecture. Copying and Pasting these code into yours will just bring you compiling errors. :)
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